Mesa & Tucson kids enjoying a January snow!
Laurie, Cole, & Reed

Dustin learning to drive the Bobcat
Grandpa teaches 'em young!

Reed, Cole, & Laurie at the skate park

Rub'a dub, dub...three in the tub

Rayli's 1st Brithday!
Our little Ladybug

Happy Birthday Danny!

Great Grandma Hatch
celebrating all the April birthdays

The proud dad and sister

Elizabeth's Blessing Day

JoAnna's High School Graduation
Mason, Sharnell, JoAnna, Joe, and Cole

Camping by Phoenix Park wash
Playing cards in Clint's trailor

Derrick and Janna

Dustin, Derrick, & Cole

Dustin & Cole jumping on the trampoline
with the sprinkler on (Cole needed goggles!)

Jadyn & Rayli playing in the water at grandma's house

Luke & Summer at Sunrise
Came from Canada for Christmas

Clint & Jeni snowboarding

Danny & Margaret at Sunrise

Learning to snowboard at Sunrise Ski Resort
Cole, Reed, & Dustin with Joe and Shar right behind

Grandpa enjoying his boys for Canada...Thayne & Kayleb